sAbout the Youth Council:

One by One Foster & Kinship Solutions is subcontracted under the Arizona Foundation for Human Resource Providers to carry out the program of a state grant provided by the Arizona Department of Human Services. We have been commissioned to create a Kinship Youth Council comprising of 8-10 youth ages 11 to 19 who are in Kinship Care placements, both formal and informal. The Council will be facilitated by our very own Executive Director, Stephanie Wright, as the Youth Advisor. The youth will have an opportunity to identify a health care need that matters to them and create community projects around the need while learning leadership and organization skills. They will also have the privilege of participating in the biannual (next date is Summer 2025) Arizona Department of Health Services’ 2 day Adolescent Health Conference where they will get to present on what they have been up to.

Benefits of Participation:

Kinship Youth will have the unique opportunity of representing an often overlooked aspect of the Foster Care System and have their voices heard. We are the only Kinship Council being formed under this grant. They will gain leadership, teamwork, and organization skills. They will have community exposure during their Community Service Learning Events and more. Their participation may count towards any service hours needed for school or other programs.  They can speak about their Council participation on resumes and college applications. Participants will also receive a stipend of up to $125 per quarter for their participation with a bonus (TBD) incentive for each full year served.


Participation Requirements:

Participants need to be current Kinship Youth ages 11 to 19 in a stable home. If the participant is under the age of 18, they will need caregiver support and permission. Prospective participants will go through an application and interview process (with caregiver help if needed). Selected participants will need access to a computer or tablet and the ability to communicate via email and other electronic means. There will be required Zoom meetings which they will need a working camera and audio for. Participants should be willing and able to take direction as well as be self-directed or have caregiver support to complete assignments as needed between meetings. Participants do not need to have leadership skills as that is an area we will work with the youth on. They do, however, need to have a willingness to speak in front of others and help with any and all aspects of the program and community events.

We are still developing the actual structure of the program, so we do not yet have an outline of all participation requirements. This page will be updated as more information becomes available.


CLICK HERE to fill out an application for you or your kinship child(ren). Someone from One by One will reach out within 5-7 business days of receiving the application.