Our Vision:
We envision a future where foster and kinship children and their families receive the love and support needed to truly thrive. We envision a world where all children have the experience of being wanted, known, and loved, and enjoy a sense of belonging, in their community, in their neighborhoods, and in the families that care for them.

Our Mission:
The mission of One by One is to make a transformative difference in the lives of foster and kinship children and the families that care for them by providing family-centered comprehensive care through wellness programs, targeted events, and community outreach, such that everyone involved experiences being seen, heard, and understood.

Our Trifold Approach
1. Ease the medical burdens on foster/kinship children and their caregivers by integrating the many different types of medical and therapeutic care that foster and kinship children need, while providing a safe space where all are wanted, known, and loved.
2. Bridge the gap between foster/ kinship families and the public to inspire societies to see these children as the precious gifts that they are. We create small and large events that encourage the uniting of both communities and provide a sense of normalcy for the children at risk. We provide opportunities for the general public to make a difference by increasing awareness through education and outreach.
3. Promote greater camaraderie and connection between agencies, businesses, and organizations that already help this underserved population through collaboration and partnership.