1st Annual FUN in the SUN Drive hosted in partnership with Panera Bread
DONATE TODAY! Order from Amazon to have them shipped directly to One by One. Amazon shipments should be scheduled to arrive no later than July 13th. Donations do not need to come from Amazon. If you already have items on hand, or want to buy and donate locally, please reach out to us at info@onebyonefoster.org to arrange a time and place for you to drop them off. Note that we will not be able to accommodate any donations after July 13th.
All donations will be distributed during a fun Summer Water Carnival Event for Foster & Kinship Families on July 16th.
DONATIONS WANTED: (All items should be new.)
Sidewalk Chalk
Hula Hoops
Jump Ropes
Flip Flops or water shoes for all ages
Sunblock SPF 30 or higher (broad spectrum)
Beach Towels
Water Blasters
Squirt Guns
Beach Balls
Toddler Bath Toys (for playing in a toddler pool)
Inflatable toddler pools
Dive sticks, rings, or other such toys
Little toys or candies for the prizes, such as Smarties, Tootsie Rolls, Spin Tops, bookmarks, plastic slinkies, fidget toys, etc.
Most Needed: Bubbles, Sidewalk Chalk, Flip Flops, and Beach Towels
Order off our Amazon Wish List specifically for this event and ship directly to One by One from the link. We will also gladly accept gift cards to Amazon, Wal-Mart, or Target for supplies and prizes.